Monday, July 6, 2009

July 12th VT Sun Triathlon "Smackdown"

Last year it was laser focus on trying to get to Hawaii while I fed my overuse injuries a steady diet of mega mileage. This year it's all about beer and local bragging rights (and getting rid of injuries so I can come back stronger next year). We have a "July 12th smackdown" email thread going around---slowtwitch style. Thank you Dev Paul (slowtwitch forum stud) for teaching me the art of triathlon smack talk before IM Montreal in 2007. Triathlon smack talk is all about complete respect for your competitor while at the same time letting them know they are going to have to turn themselves inside out to beat you... and if they beat you on the day--you're buying beers!!

So who's coming to the July 12th smackdown?

Justin Ryea
Gary Snow
Luke Moore
Chris Coffey
Dave Connery

We're hoping Kevin Bouchard Hall can make it but I think he's already got other plans.

Maybe I'll do a tale of the tape UFC style as we get closer to race day.

